Уважаеми бенефицери,
Във връзка с мигриране на информация между електронни платформи, използвани от ЕК, може да сте получили автоматичен имейл от новата платформа за отчитане BM (Beneficiary module).
Your European Solidarity Corps project has been granted, congratulations!
Project details:
EC Project Number: 2020-1-BG01-ESC52-QLA-XXXXXX-01
National Project ID:
Project title:
Organisation Legal Name: XXX
You can now send offers in the European Solidarity Corps Portal to the registrants to take part in your project. https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en
You can also start managing your project in Beneficiary module.
Beneficiary module is the system for the management of projects that received an EU grant under the European Solidarity Corps. The tool is developed by the European Commission for you, as beneficiaries of these projects.
In Beneficiary module you will be able to provide all the information on your projects. When offers are accepted in the European Solidarity Corps Portal, you will be able to retrieve the participants details and associate them to the activities, complete and update budget information, follow up on participant surveys and submit your report to your National Agency.
To access the project please follow the steps below:
Go to the Beneficiary module website at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list
If you have no EU Login account associated with this email address yet, please click on “Create an account” and set up your account. During the registration process please use the email address that this message was sent to.
If you already have an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this email address, please use it to log in.
Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/organisations/contact-national-agencies_en
For additional help on how to manage your project in Beneficiary module please consult the Guide for Beneficiaries: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ
This is a system generated message from Beneficiary module. Please do not reply.
Този имейл Ви информира, че имате присъден Знак за качество с номер 2020-1-BG01-ESC52-QLA-XXXXXX-01. Присъдените Знак за качество от този тип през предходния програмен период са с валидност до 2027 г. Те могат да бъдат за Приемаща и/или Подкрепяща роля. Знак за качество от този тип не Ви дава възможност да кандидатствате за финансиране. Всички възможности, предоставeни от Програма „Европейки корпус за солидарност“, може да намерите на интернет страницата на Програмата. Не забравяйте да се запознаете с Ръководството на Програмата, в което са описани всички възможности и легитимни критерии за кандидатстване.
С уважение,
Екипът на ЦРЧР